วันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Dr Paul Clayton-Avoid Heart Disease

Dr Paul Clayton-Avoid Heart Disease - Pre Diabetic Symptoms Men

Heart disease and how to prevent and even reverse it is a classic example of how the drug companies have oversimplified the problem and attacked the wrong targets with yet another set of magic bullets. www.drpaulclayton.com Its also an example of how inexpensive and simple lifestyle changes can succeed where multi-billion-pound Big Pharma is failing. Heart disease is usually the number one cause of death in the UK, although every now and then (as is the case today) cancer nudges ahead. In 1996 coronary artery disease was responsible for 24% of all male deaths in England in the over-65 age group, with strokes and other circulatory disease bringing the total death rate to 33%. Women are slightly less at risk but here too the figures are dispiriting, with heart disease causing 21% of all deaths. The UK statistics, already the worst in the world, are due to get worse in line with the increasing figures for obesity and diabetes. For example, Irish and Scots men are three times more likely to die of coronary artery disease than their French counterparts, and their wives are nine times more likely to die in this way than their French sisters. This is the well-known French Paradox. It certainly does seem unfair that the French, with their full fat cheeses and their pestilential Gauloises and Gitanes, should enjoy such immunity. The reasons for this immunity are becoming progressively clearer, and are everything to do with the French lifestyle and especially their diet. Its not ...

Dr, Paul, Clayton, on, Wellmune, Monavie, Pt, cardiovascular, system, heart, disease

