วันเสาร์ที่ 19 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Blood Pressure Warning

Pre Diabetic Symptoms Men:

Hypertension, more ordinarily referred to as "high blood pressure", has earned the nickname "silent killer" due to its lack of presenting symptoms. Most habitancy that are affected by hypertension do not demonstrate bodily signs and symptoms until damage has occurred.

What is Hypertension?

A person's blood pressure gives the physician a clinical picture of the patient's cardiovascular status. It measures the amount of resistance exerted on the blood vessel walls and is linked to changes in cardiac production or a convert in peripheral vascular resistance (the blood vessels that run throughout the body). The physician examines the blood pressure by looking at the values of the systolic (the top number) and the diastolic (the lowest number) measurements. A patient is diagnosed with hypertension if their blood pressure is 140/90 or greater at three consecutive visits to the doctor. The guess the first visit is not always used is because some habitancy palpate "White Coat" hypertension. Just visiting the physician's office causes anxiety and an elevation in the blood pressure readings. The normal range can be between 100/60 to 139/89 depending on the man and their bodily make-up. However, a patient may be diagnosed as pre-hypertensive if the blood pressure is 130/80. Remember, the physician will show the way a suitable exam to resolve the course of action.

Pre Diabetic Symptoms Men:Blood Pressure Warning

What Factors Can Cause Hypertension

Uncontrollable factors:

Narrowing of the arteries in the kidneys and acute kidney disease
Some medications
Age (55 and older for men; 60 and older for women. But hypertension can occur at younger ages)

Controllable factors:

Obesity- Bmi ≥ 30
Sedentary lifestyles
Complications of hypertension

Long term hypertension can lead to heart disease, stroke and continuing kidney disease. Untreated hypertensive episodes can lead to death.


Treatment is determined by your physician who will also perform a unblemished bodily exam and make a decision on the best course of action. Treatment is based on private situations. Treatment is determined by such factors as severity of disease, other supplementary illnesses, age, sex, weight, and race. Often the first medication is a vasodilator to help dilate the blood vessels and decrease resistance. an additional one observation is a diuretic that will decrease circulating fluid volume.

How You reduce Risk Factors?

Weight reduction - a salutary Bmi between 18.5 - 24.9

Adopt the Dash (Dietary arrival to Stop Hypertension) eating plan - The diet consist of fruit, vegetables, low fat dairy products, reduced saturated fats and total fats. Cut out fried fatty foods from the diet. Also consume low sodium (salt) food items and monitor the sodium article of food. Read labels.

Physical action - engage in regular bodily aerobic action such as a brisk walk (at least 30 minutes/day most days of the week).

Moderation of alcohol - limit to 2 drinks for most men; 1 drink for most women (1 drink = 24 oz. Beer, 10 oz. Of wine, and 3 oz. Of 80 proof whiskey).

Stop smoking - there are many smoking cessations programs available. Ask your physician for a referral.

Pre Diabetic Symptoms Men:Blood Pressure Warning

